E-commerce entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for ways to expand sales, increase profits, and gain loyal customers. Meanwhile, your customers are always anticipating a ‘great deal’ that excites them. To meet this basic buying and selling need, the ‘Multi-Variant Bundling’ application was born. Customers enjoy the satisfaction of buying more for less, while you achieve sales growth, making both parties happy!

What is Multi-Variant Bundling?
Multi-variant bundling is not about bundling different products for sale, but rather bundling multiple variants (such as different colors, sizes, flavors, etc.) of the same product to form a package sale. By setting tiered pricing discounts, the more customers buy, the greater the discount they enjoy. This new promotional method not only stimulates customers’ purchasing desires but also increases the average order value.
For example, purchasing a single T-shirt requires a payment of $60.00, but if a customer buys 5 pieces, they only need to pay $268.00 (original price $300.00). You can configure this application to achieve the ‘buy more, save more’ promotional effect.

Multi-Variant Bundling: How to Effectively Drive Revenue Growth
Merchants can set tiered pricing discounts for a single product, applicable to daily consumer goods like socks, clothing, face masks, and snacks. Depending on the quantity purchased by the customer, the system will automatically calculate and apply the corresponding discount at checkout.
Enhance Perceived Value, Guide Consumer Decisions
When creating bundled packages, you can use subtle discount strategies, such as clearly stating the savings amount (‘Save XX dollars’), enticing post-discount unit prices (‘Only XX dollars/piece’), along with eye-catching package labels and notes, to enhance consumers’ perceived value. The combined effect of these elements not only highlights the advantages of the bundled package but also subtly guides consumers’ purchasing decisions.

When customers find that buying multiple pieces of the same product allows them to enjoy greater discounts, they often tend to increase their purchase quantity to gain more benefits. This ‘buy more, save more’ psychological effect greatly promotes customers’ bulk purchasing behavior, thereby directly increasing the total order value.
Optimize Inventory Management, Improve Capital Turnover Rate
Merchants can quickly clear slow-moving or seasonal products through the bundling package function. This strategy not only reduces the risk of inventory backlog but also improves capital liquidity, allowing merchants to respond more flexibly to market changes.
Enhance Customer Loyalty
When customers can gain more benefits and satisfaction, they develop a higher level of goodwill and trust towards the brand. This positive shopping experience encourages them to return and recommend to others, bringing more repeat and potential customers to the merchant.
Best Practices
Offer tiered discount activities for buying more and saving more to stimulate consumption
Provide personalized promotional activities and shopping experiences
Clear slow-moving products to reduce inventory pressure
Display the ‘Multi-Variant Bundling’ application on the product details page
This application supports customers to ‘Buy Now’ bundled packages, but does not currently support ‘Add to Cart’
You can quickly find all orders converted by this application in the store order module by searching for ‘Order Tag’=skubundlesale
Download the ‘Multi-Variant Bundling’ application now to enhance customer purchasing desire through discount incentives and optimize your e-commerce strategy! While increasing customer retention, raise the order value and experience the effect of double revenue growth immediately! Scan the QR code below to claim your trial discount~